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Co-creation session on the New European Bauhaus

Farid Tabarki hosted the co-creation session on the New European Bauhaus.

How can Amsterdam initiatives connect the European Green Deal to beautiful and thriving living spaces?

In this co-creation session, we explore what this new movement means for the city of Amsterdam and how existing city initiatives could feed into it. What do you think beautiful, sustainable and inclusive cities should look like?

With Marleen Stikker (director Waag),

Alessandro Rancati (Policy Analyst Joint Research Centre), Anna Lisa Boni (Secretary General EUROCITIES),  Josja van der Veer
(Directeur Ruimte & Duurzaamheid Gemeente Amsterdam), Marleen Stikker (Director Waag), Koert van Mensvoort (artist and philosopher Next Nature Network), Caroline Nevejan (Chief Science Officer, gemeente Amsterdam), Richard van der Laken (founder What Design Can Do), Egbert Fransen (directeur-bestuurder Pakhuis de Zwijger), Ruurd Priester (Amsterdam Donut Coalitie) and many many many otherssssssss.

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